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T-Shirt & Pin worn in videos
by Rainbow Certified


Tips for teachers & Principals

  • Visit the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario - for resources.

  • Have a resource board in your school for students. Hang posters, hand out stickers etc.

  • All classrooms should have inclusive welcome signs.

  • Create a safe space club at your school. Allow students to participate in implementing inclusive ideas.

  • Ensure the use of terms such as gay or queer are being used positively. Talk about using gender or sexuality as an insult and how harmful this can be more in the classroom.

  • Any incidents around the school should be addressed with students not just parents.

  • Encourage safe spaces when holding dances/prom.

  • Introduce books with inclusive representation into your everyday lessons.

  • Celebrate pride month in your schools. Have a parade, decorate doors etc.

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